
Diversity is the new Facebook.

It’s catching on as fast as any trend, racing down the highway and passing the Lamborghini in the next lane.

As unwelcome as it used to be — and still sometimes is — diversity is necessary in a functioning community and world. Our differences are what bring us together, and our lives depend on it.

Imagine everyone taking the same daily routine as the salesman at Apple or the cashier at Target. Nothing would ever happen. There would be no need for news.

Boring right?

My promise — and purpose — is to deliver a diverse selection of news and ideas to allow everyone to find a favorite topic. My stories will leave you with an original outlook, a unique viewpoint, and new thoughts swirling around in your mind. Read with me; come find out what this potpourri is made up of.

One of these hands will point the way to every one's interests.

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